Hotel PPC Insights

Hotel PPC Insights from Team Wired

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Is Keyword Research Important for My Hotel's PPC Campaigns?

In the competitive landscape of online marketing, Pay-Per-Click (PPC) campaigns have become a vital tool for businesses, including hotels, to attract potential customers. However, a successful PPC campaign requires more… READ NOW

Hotel PPC Brand Campaigns, are they cannibalising SEO traffic?

  In the highly competitive hospitality industry, hotels are increasingly turning to digital marketing strategies to boost their online presence. One such strategy is the use of Brand PPC (Pay-Per-Click) campaigns. While these campaigns are a valuable tool for promoting… READ NOW

Hotel PPC - New Performance Max Functionality

In today's digital age, the hospitality industry is more competitive than ever, and hotels are constantly seeking innovative ways to attract guests and boost room bookings. Google, being at the… READ NOW

Choosing A Full Service Agency For Your Hotel

In today's fast-paced digital landscape, hotels face increasing competition in their quest to attract guests and boost revenue. To thrive in this highly competitive industry, a comprehensive and strategic online… READ NOW

Page Speeds Effect On Your Hotel Website

Introduction: What Is Page Speed? Page speed refers to the time it takes for a web page to fully load its content in a user's web browser. It is a… READ NOW

Tracking Conversion Events in your Hotel Google Ads Account

In the competitive world of hospitality, where bookings and reservations are the lifeblood of the business, tracking conversion events in your Hotel Google Ads account is a game-changer for your… READ NOW

How to Take Back Bookings from OTAs

How Your Hotel Can Take Back Bookings from OTAs At Wired Media we pride ourselves on offering informative social media marketing advice, so read on to see how your brand… READ NOW