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News, thoughts and advice from Team Wired

From industry articles to blogs about our latest work, you can take a look and get to know us a little bit better right here.

New UK Website: Trollbeads

When Trollbeads enlisted Wired Media to develop its brand new UK ecommerce website we were over the moon. Trollbeads wanted a ‘bang-on-brand' site that mirrored the beauty and elegance of their jewellery. Incorporating a theme of ‘play', the website had… READ NOW

New Website: Big Tall

We were thrilled when Big Tall appointed us to create their brand new website. The client had a clear vision of what they wanted; an incredibly user friendly site that converted visits into sales. They also wanted a comprehensive admin… READ NOW

New Website for Start-Up Card Company Hephalump

We were excited when start-up company Hephalump appointed Wired Media to create their first eCommerce website. Our brief from Hephalump was to develop a well-branded, search engine and user-friendly site that allowed them to sell their personalised greetings cards and… READ NOW

New Website: Ellenborough Park

Ellenborough Park provided us with a very clear brief: create a highly usable and fully functioning website that utilised existing booking engines whilst showcasing all areas of the beautiful hotel.It was critical that the new hotel website not only increased… READ NOW

Longleat Acquires Two Von Essen Hotels

They Grow, We Build Websites!Longleat recently acquired two existing luxury hotels that were originally run by Von Essen – Bishopstrow and Homewood Park. Both are set in beautiful surroundings within very sought-after areas of the South West.We were delighted when… READ NOW

Summer Round-Up

It seems like a long time ago that we were sat on Weymouth beach enjoying the sun, sipping pina coladas and getting through gallons and gallons of sun cream . . . about six years ago! Even though the summer… READ NOW

2011 Second Quarter Round-Up

Well it has been a busy second quarter here at Wired Towers. We have won several new contracts, coped well with Google's Panda (or farmer) update and firmly moved into the mobile arena. We have won new business for Ellenborough… READ NOW

A Busy Start to 2011

It has been a busy start to 2011 at Wired Media with several new contracts won, a customer fulfilling more orders in a day than they had in the previous two months, lunch at the Lords and a trip to… READ NOW

Underneath Our New Website

Underneath Our New Website Here at Wired Media, we've been busy the last couple of weeks working on our new website, and are really pleased with the fresh new look.… READ NOW

Moving from Confrontation to Collaboration

Paul Boag made an interesting argument when speaking about 'the battlefield of design: designers vs clients' at this years Future of Web Design (FOWD) conference. The key points covered were much alike those of which I've learnt throughout my studies… READ NOW

Stop Worrying and Get On With It

An interesting quote from Elliot Jay Stocks at the Future of Web Design (FOWD) conference in Bristol this year.As web developers and designers, we're faced with an array of compatibility-based concerns that cause us to reduce the design quality or… READ NOW

The Future of Web Apps

Future of web apps was a conference held in London last week, focusing on all the latest and greatest developments in the web industry. We were there, here's some of our thoughts. It was great to see the demo of… READ NOW

Wired Media Launch New Company Website

17th September 2018New Website LaunchToday we have launched our new website which is both mobile and tablet responsive and sits on the WordPress CMS platform. The website project includes a rebrand with new colours and a new logo. The new logo… READ NOW
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