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News, thoughts and advice from Team Wired

From industry articles to blogs about our latest work, you can take a look and get to know us a little bit better right here.

TripAdvisor: B2B Division at ‘Tripping Point’

TripAdvisor will fully realign its business-to-business division to encapsulate both the hospitality and tourism sectors, it was announced on Friday.According to The Caterer, TripAdvisor claims that since the introduction of their ‘business to owner' service back in 2010, their focus… READ NOW

Marketing Predictions for 2018

This time last year, the industry was subject to a lot of chatter surrounding mobile within the hotel marketing domain. As we near the end of the year, it's safe to say that mobile dominance is showing no signs of… READ NOW

Facebook Launches Ads in Messenger

But what does it mean for your business?Earlier this year Facebook announced that it would be launching ads in Facebook Messenger. The initial tests have already been successfully carried out in Thailand and Australia and will soon be rolled out… READ NOW

Our Top 6 Pancake Toppings

Here at Wired Media, we don't believe Pancake Day is the only day of the year it's acceptable to have breakfast at any meal throughout the day.Who doesn't love brinner – breakfast for dinner?We do, however, believe in the importance… READ NOW

Waste Not, Want Not

Who would have thought that moving offices would uncover so much unused… stuff?As we move into our brand new, shiny offices – with great coffee, we might add – we also wave goodbye to lots of unwanted bits and bobs… READ NOW

The Independent Hotel Show 2016

The 'places to be' and 'people to see' at the biggest event in hoteliers calendars for 2016… Are you ready?! We're ready. Ready of course for the Independent Hotel Show 2016 at Olympia and for those of you beginning to… READ NOW

Win the Ultimate Spring Clean for Your Hotel

Do you want to drive more direct bookings and revenue for your hotel, but aren't sure where to start? Are you struggling with mid-week bookings? Do you need more weddings? Is it time your hotel's activity had a little spruce… READ NOW

Tom’s Miami Memoirs

Afternoon, Tom here. I hope everyone is holding out for a well-deserved Christmas break to begin!To wrap up the end of a successful year at our hotel digital marketing agency Wired Media, I was fortunate enough to take a couple… READ NOW

The Perfect Christmas Gift

It's not just Father Christmas who's busy in December, we've been working our Christmas stockings off too. Luckily, the work has paid off and we've got two fabulous new websites to show for it. Cheltenham Park hotel was recently acquired… READ NOW

Guide to the Independent Hotel Show 2015

With less than 24 hours until the doors open to the Independent Hotel Show 2015, preparation is almost complete and hotelier's aspirations are higher than ever. After exhibiting every year since it started, we've adopted a savvy technique to making… READ NOW

What is a Commercial Health check?

An interview with Kym Kapadia, Vice President Commercial at Michels & TaylorWe've worked with Michels & Taylor for a long time and have seen first-hand how they help hotels reach their maximum potential. When the news came out about an exciting… READ NOW

Raising Money For Hospitality Action

Raising Money For Hospitality Action With The Independent Hotel Show on the horizon, we've decided to round up the troops from across the industry to give our visitors an opportunity they can't resist. We will be hosting a hotel raffle… READ NOW

Introducing Wired Media University

We have been helping hotels increase enquiries, bookings and revenue for several years and as a result built up lots of insight on what works and what doesn't. Through improving and adapting hotel websites right through to digital marketing strategies,… READ NOW

The Wired Media 2013 Overview

So, where do we start? 2013 has been an amazing year for Wired Media. We have started working with some wonderful clients, attended some fantastic events, learnt new and exciting things, and most importantly, have learnt the rules and regulations… READ NOW

The Independent Hotel Show 2013

With great anticipation, a suitcase or two and several packets of lime green jellybeans, Tom and I set off to London to the Independent Hotel Show at Kensington Olympia to showcase everything Wired Media can provide to the hotel and leisure industries. The event… READ NOW


One of the big upcoming things on the web is HTML5. HTML is the code that you see if you view source in your browser. It tells your browser how to layout the text on the page, where to put… READ NOW

Wired Media at Independent Hotel Show 2013

Last year Wired Media attended the first-ever Independent Hotel Show at the Olympia Exhibition Centre in London. Dedicated to luxury and boutique hotels, the show was a fantastic opportunity for us to share our expertise in all things digital. Having… READ NOW

Longleat Country & Fishing Show 2013

“Come to the Longleat Fishing and Country Show on Friday, I am working there and you can come too and you love fly fishing and we will have a great day out!” Well why not, said I, let's go –… READ NOW
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