Website Maintenance & Support for Electricians
Supporting Websites For Over 24 Years!

Website Support Services For Electricians
Plugin Updates
At Wired Media, we understand how critical plugin updates can be to the functionality of your website. Our specialists ensure your plugins are up to date, and function optimally, providing seamless service and ensuring your customers experience smooth navigation. We handle the hassle, while you focus on your core business, serving your clients.
Site Audits
Our team conducts thorough site audits to detect any potential issues or security threats that could harm your website or your business reputation. We analyse and optimise your site structure for search engines, ensuring an exceptional user experience and a better ranking on search engine results pages.
Site Monitoring
With our 24/7 active site monitoring service, we keep an eye on your website’s performance. We can proactively detect website downtimes, server issues, or hack attempts, and solve these issues promptly. We also monitor your site’s traffic trends and user engagement patterns for optimisation.
Website Hosting
Wired Media offers website hosting catering specifically to electricians. Our servers are known for their high speed, reliability, and secure infrastructure which guarantees a high uptime and enhances the end-user experience.
Data Analysis
We support your business growth by offering detailed data analysis services. By analysing website visitor behaviour, demographics and customer journey, we propose data-driven measures to improve your online visibility and ensure higher conversion rates.
Platform Version Updates
With our website maintenance services, we ensure your website runs the latest platform versions. By keeping your site’s platform updated, we improve website performance, security and introduce new features that can boost your site’s functionality.