Website Maintenance & Support for Drinks Brands

Supporting Websites For Over 24 Years!


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Website Support Services For Drinks Brands

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Plugin Updates

Wired Media understands the crucial role plugins play in enhancing your website’s functionality, effectiveness, and user experience. Our plugin update service ensures your website continues to reach its full potential and operates seamlessly without any technical glitches. Regular updates are necessary for any drinks brand that wants to keep their website responsive and functional. At Wired Media, we take on this responsibility, ensuring your plugins are updated to the latest versions, delivering top-notch performance, and preventing security issues.

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Site Audits

An efficient website must be free from errors that could hinder user interaction or search engine optimisation (SEO). At Wired Media, our site audit services identify these hidden problems, providing detailed reports that highlight areas needing improvement. This dedicated service can help drinks brands implement valuable changes, improve their visibility online, and provide a user-friendly browsing experience for their customers.

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Site Monitoring

Website downtime can adversely affect your business reputation, customer satisfaction, and revenues. As your maintenance and support partner, Wired Media helps avoid these scenarios with its comprehensive site monitoring services. We promptly identify and resolve technical glitches before they escalate into major issues, ensuring your website remains operational 24/7.

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Website Hosting

To have a successful online platform, the base needs to be stable. Wired Media provides robust web hosting solutions, ensuring your website is always secure, quick to load, and consistently available to customers. We tailor our hosting services to the specific needs of drinks brands, ensuring optimal site performance.

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Data Analysis

Wired Media arms you with actionable insights to understand your audience better. Our data analysis service involves studying your website’s metrics and delivering reports that inform on user behaviour, traffic sources, popular content, and more. This valuable information can help drinks brands refine their marketing strategies for better customer engagement and conversion rates.

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Platform Version Updates

To stay ahead in the digital world, your website needs to run the latest version of its platform. We handle necessary routine updates needed to boost capabilities, streamline processes, and improve user experience. Wired Media’s platform version update service ensures your website is up-to-date, secure, and as efficient as possible.

Case Study:

Mick George


Case Study:



Case Study:

Red Paddle

Quote Start
We started working with Wired Media in 2019, and they’ve been a great partner for us. They’ve helped us launch two new websites that have not only improved the customer journey but also helped drive a significant increase in organic website traffic. Additionally, they've been a lead in increasing our eCommerce sales by tenfold.
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Bruce Rowlands , Butcombe Brewery

Website Support Packages For Drinks Brands

Uninterrupted Online Presence: With Wired Media’s comprehensive maintenance and support package, your drinks brand website can enjoy an uninterrupted online presence. We implement proactive measures to identify and rectify potential issues before your users notice them. This preventative approach maintains your website’s credibility, helps retain existing customers, and attracts new ones.


Enhanced Security: Our experienced team of tech experts periodically update your plugins and platform versions, sealing any potential security loopholes. This minimises the risk of cyber threats and breaches, protecting your brand’s online reputation and crucial customer data.

Optimal Site Performance: Through routine site audits and data analysis, we provide you performance improvement suggestions considering current market trends. A well-maintained website ranks higher in search engine results, loads faster, offers a seamless user experience, thereby becoming a reliable asset for your business.


Smart Decision Making: With our robust data analysis, you can have a clear inside-out view of how your website is performing. By understanding your audience’s preferences, behaviours, and interactions with your website, you can make data-driven decisions that will yield improved conversion rates and customer retention.

Get in touch with us and we’ll get back to you ASAP!

Get in touch today and one of our experienced team will arrange a call to discuss your requirements. Take advantage of our free strategy consultation to help you understand our services and how we can help you grow.


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