Website Maintenance & Support in Corsham

Website Maintenance & Support Professionals You Can Trust!


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Web Support Services In Corsham

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Plugin Updates

Your website’s functionality largely depends on the plugins you use. At Wired Media, we routinely update your site plugins to enhance their performance and security, ensure compatibility with the latest versions of WordPress and other platforms, and add new features that improve user experience. Our team of experts handles every bit of the process, ensuring minimal downtime for your website.

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Site Audits

We perform comprehensive website audits to identify issues that could be hindering your web performance. These may include broken links, missing metadata, slow page load speeds, and much more. Our approach is thorough and systematic, ensuring we leave no stone unturned while bolstering your website’s potential.

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Site Monitoring

We provide 24/7 site monitoring, promptly identifying and addressing any issues that might arise. Whether it’s server downtime, security threats, or slow loading times, our team is always on guard to ensure your website remains accessible, functional, and secure.

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Website Hosting

Our website hosting service is reliable, fast, and secure. We ensure your website is always live, loads quickly, and is safe from cyber threats. Our team handles all the technical aspects, leaving you free to focus on other vital areas of your business.

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Data Analysis

Our data-driven approach ensures you’re always tuned into your website’s performance. We provide detailed reports on aspects such as visitor behaviour, traffic sources, bounce rates etc. We analyse this data to glean insights for better decision making, ultimately optimising your site’s performance and enhancing user experience.

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Platform Version Updates

The digital world keeps evolving at blinding speed with regular updates released for various platforms. At Wired Media, we keep your website up-to-date with the latest version updates, ensuring it’s always compatible and secure, whilst featuring the most recent functionality updates.

Case Study:

Mick George


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Case Study:

Red Paddle

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Joel Green masterfully optimized our Google Ads, resulting in a remarkable increase in traffic. His expertise and strategic adjustments made a significant and measurable impact. we would highly recommend them.
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Jack Chandler, Switch Health

Website Support Packages In Corsham

2. **Site Audits:** We perform comprehensive website audits to identify issues that could be hindering your web performance. These may include broken links, missing metadata, slow page load speeds, and much more. Our approach is thorough and systematic, ensuring we leave no stone unturned while bolstering your website’s potential.
3. **Site Monitoring:** We provide 24/7 site monitoring, promptly identifying and addressing any issues that might arise. Whether it’s server downtime, security threats, or slow loading times, our team is always on guard to ensure your website remains accessible, functional, and secure.
4. **Website Hosting:** Our website hosting service is reliable, fast, and secure. We ensure your website is always live, loads quickly, and is safe from cyber threats. Our team handles all the technical aspects, leaving you free to focus on other vital areas of your business.
5. **Data Analysis:** Our data-driven approach ensures you’re always tuned into your website’s performance. We provide detailed reports on aspects such as visitor behaviour, traffic sources, bounce rates etc. We analyse this data to glean insights for better decision making, ultimately optimising your site’s performance and enhancing user experience.
6. **Platform Version Updates:** The digital world keeps evolving at blinding speed with regular updates released for various platforms. At Wired Media, we keep your website up-to-date with the latest version updates, ensuring it’s always compatible and secure, whilst featuring the most recent functionality updates.

**Benefits of Our Website Support Packages in Corsham**
**Reliable and Consistent Service:** Wired Media is committed to providing reliable and consistent website support. Our dedicated team works round the clock to ensure seamless operation of all facets of your website. From plugin updates to site audits, we apply a fastidious approach to guarantee peak performance.
**Enhanced Web Performance and User Experience:** Your website is an online representation of your business. Wired Media is passionate about enhancing your site’s performance to give your users an exceptional experience. Our site monitoring and data analysis services aim to boost your site’s speed and functionality, leading to happy clients and increased conversions.
**Security and Peace of Mind:** In an era of cyber threats and data breaches, securing your website is paramount. Wired Media provides robust website hosting coupled with constant site monitoring, ensuring your data remains uncompromised. Furthermore, our timely plugin and platform updates bolster your site’s security defenses.
**Data-Driven Decision Making:** Wired Media turns your website’s data into intelligence that drives action. Our comprehensive and proactive analysis helps you better understand your site’s performance. This, in turn, enables you to make informed decisions about your website, helping you optimise it to meet your business goals and needs.
Partner with Wired Media for the best website maintenance and support in Corsham. We are dedicated to the success of your online presence. Contact us today for a consultation!

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Get in touch today and one of our experienced team will arrange a call to discuss your requirements. Take advantage of our free strategy consultation to help you understand our services and how we can help you grow.


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