PPC Case Study: Dynamik Sports Flooring

One of the UK’s leading suppliers or sports flooring and walling

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Project Scope

Dynamik Sports Flooring came to Wired Media wanting us to help grow there online presence. It was quickly identified that the Website needed a refresh and they had a great opportunity to Increase sales by implementing a professional Google Ads campaign.

As with a-lot of our clients, data was an issue, more than 50% of conversions were over the phone and there were discrepancies in the Google analytics account that needed to be sorted out to give clear data that could be used to aid the decision process moving forward.






Increase in conversions


Increase in phone calls


Increase in website Sessions


Decrease in bounce rate
Our solution

The first port of call was to understand the data. We consulted with the business to ascertain where conversions were coming from and as a result implemented call tracking software to track calls from all online Marketing channels. We also implemented click tracking software to see how people were moving through the website and the current customer journey. Using the above and a now fixed Google Analytics account we had clear data to start making decisions with.

Dynamik were currently running two websites, one for flooring and one for walls. We designed and developed a new website merging both sites together, we concentrated our efforts on simplifying the customer journey with clear call to actions on each page.

We developed the website using the WordPress CMS ensuring the marketing team at Dynamik could easily make changes to the website without needing a developer on hand.

PPC campaigns were started targeting the keywords that would be valuable to the business. time was invested in improving ad copy, removing negative keywords and split testing ads to find the winning combination. With phone calls now being tracked it was a lot easier and clear what was working and what wasn’t, allowing us to scale up the account in a matter of months. this lead to us over doubling the amount of leads to the business.

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It’s been a real pleasure working with all of you at Wired Media, the new Website, SEO advice and improved Google Ads account has really helped to transform the company’s online presence.
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Ellie McChesney, Dynamik Sports