CRO Agency for Colleges

Convert More Visitors Into Customers!


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CRO Services For Colleges

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A/B Testing

At Wired Media, we understand the importance of making data-backed decisions. Our A/B Testing service allows colleges to compare two versions of a webpage to determine which performs better. We meticulously run controlled experiments with the current site, pitting it against new variations to boost your conversions. This service enables us to pinpoint what resonates with your target audience—ensuring your site is effective and optimised for maximum engagement.

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Heat Tracking

Our Heat Tracking service employs advanced tools to show us exactly where users are clicking, scrolling, or spending their time on your site. This visual representation of data helps us understand user behaviour, highlighting the most and least attractive elements on your pages. These insights facilitate design enhancements, improving user experience while enhancing your conversion rates.

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Browser and Device Analysis

Understanding how your site performs across different browsers and devices is crucial for ensuring a seamless user experience. Wired Media’s Browser and Device Analysis service provides crucial insights into your site’s performance, ensuring smooth operation across all devices and browsers to keep your target audience engaged and converting.

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Google Analytics

With our Google Analytics service, we offer in-depth analysis of your website’s traffic. This involves tracking visitor sources, their behaviour on your site, bounce rates, and more. We leverage these metrics and insights to make strategic decisions, enhance your site’s performance, and ultimately boost your conversion rates.

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Phone Call Tracking

Wired Media’s innovative Phone Call Tracking service allows you to record which marketing efforts drove specific calls. This helps you to better understand your return on investment and adjust your campaign strategies accordingly – an instrumental tool for improving your conversion rate and cost-effectiveness.

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Data Accuracy

Our commitment to Data Accuracy ensures we deliver reliable and actionable insights. We cross-reference collected data from multiple sources and use statistical tools to eliminate anomalies. Thus, providing you with the most accurate picture of your website’s performance, uncovering the best ways to enhance this performance and optimise conversion rates.

Case Study:

Mick George


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Case Study:

Red Paddle

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Joel Green masterfully optimized our Google Ads, resulting in a remarkable increase in traffic. His expertise and strategic adjustments made a significant and measurable impact. we would highly recommend them.
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Jack Chandler, Switch Health

Conversion Rate Optimisation For Colleges

The Importance of CRO in Higher Education: Wired Media understands that for colleges, it’s not just about getting traffic – it’s about ensuring interested visitors are converting into applications and enrolments. Conversion rate optimisation (CRO) is a powerful tool for institutions looking to boost enrolment rates and solidify their online presence. Effective CRO helps colleges optimise every aspect of their sites, and capture more value from each visitor.
Harnessing Data-Driven Insights: With Wired Media’s CRO services, colleges can make data-driven decisions that improve their site’s performance. This involves gaining better understanding over visitor behaviour, identifying what works best to encourage applications, and replicating this across the site. Thus, maximising return-on-investment for the marketing initiatives in colleges.

Creating a Seamless User Experience: Each aspect of our CRO service – from A/B testing to browser and device analysis – is dedicated to creating a seamless user experience. Compelling visuals, easy navigation and the right information can attract and retain prospective students. Once the pain points of users have been eliminated, colleges can witness improved engagement and conversions.
Analytical and Cost-Effective: Having the ability to track channels driving calls and enrolments can be an instrumental tool for colleges, considering the competitive nature in attracting students. With efficient tracking, colleges can ascertain which marketing efforts are viable, ensuring they invest in cost-effective marketing that delivers high-quality conversions.

Get in touch with us and we’ll get back to you ASAP!

Get in touch today and one of our experienced team will arrange a call to discuss your requirements. Take advantage of our free strategy consultation to help you understand our services and how we can help you grow.


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