If you have your own Facebook profile, you will have been the target of Facebook advertising at some point in time. In order for you to gain the ultimate value for money, we’ve decided to share with you our top five tips for effective Facebook campaign management.

Firstly, is Facebook the right tool for your hotel?

Facebook is a powerful brand-enhancing tool but that doesn’t mean it should be used at every opportunity to try and push offers or sell. If you utilise the platform in the right way, you will reap the rewards. Know your audience and determine what they want to be sold and told.

Start by assessing your objectives, can Facebook provide you with the correct outcome? If yes, the following tips will help guide you through successful campaign maintenance. If not, look at other avenues for promotion where your results will directly influence your goal.

Know when to boost a post and when to place an advert

What’s the different between boosting a post or placing an advert, I hear you ask. Well, boosting a post means you can set a specific demographic and push for a certain length of time. Placing an advert is a lot more strategic and technical. You can choose the exact times of day that you want to target people and drill down your demographic even more.

Advertising and boosting posts both ensure that you reach a larger audience, but choosing which one will be down to your campaign goals.

For example: your hotel is holding a wedding open day and you would like to boost the post to those within a 50 mile radius of the hotel and recently engaged. You can do this on Facebook by going onto ‘Manage Adverts’ and boosting a post. This will then let you drill down to the exact location and select your demographic which includes ‘life events’ and ‘recently engaged’.

Advertising budget

Depending on the demographics you have selected for your Facebook campaign, you can choose either a daily or lifetime budget, how much you wish to spend overall until a certain date.

As a rule of thumb, with event advertising, we would advise setting a lifetime budget to maximise your spend and audience reach. This will also ensure that you don’t go over your budget. While quick offer adverts perform best with daily budgets.

Video content

Facebook has openly stated that video content will be looked upon more favourably in posts and advertising which will have a direct effect on audience reach. Why not take a quick video or make a quick slideshow of multiple images to communicate the promotion to your audience.

Advert Imagery

They say a picture tells a thousand words so make sure your advert imagery tells the story you want by ensuring it matches the content it’s promoting.

Look to use multiple images with Facebook advertising, as different users will respond to different images.

For example with accommodation promotion, you may want to use a detailed bedroom shot but your audience want to see what the grounds/buildings look like. Facebook will allow you to use multiple images in your post in their campaign platform – utilise this to better understand your guests for future campaigns

Monitor success and don’t be afraid to tweak

Don’t sit back and wait for the campaign to run and then evaluate, evaluate whilst the campaign is live. In the Facebook campaign platform you can edit multiple features of a campaign; demographics, budgets, copy or imagery if needed.

For example if an advert you have placed has multiple images and one isn’t performing as well as the others, pause it. Let users see the image that is working to convert clicks or reach.

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